Ovarian Cyst Treatment in Northern New Jersey

Woman in pain holding hands on lower abdomen and thighOvarian cysts can be a normal aspect of the menstrual cycle. The role of ovaries in the female reproductive system is to produce eggs and hormones. The cysts are usually formed during ovulation. However, sometimes they require treatment.

The gynecology department at Bergen Medical Associates offers pelvic exams and other reproductive health services to patients in northern New Jersey, including ovarian cyst treatments.

What Is an Ovarian Cyst?

An ovarian cyst occurs when fluid or semi-solid material fills a membrane pocket, or sac, inside the ovary. Their size varies, and many are smaller than 10 cm across. Most ovarian cysts go away on their own, and they occur in most women during their reproductive years. However, the cysts can sometimes form during or after menopause. In some circumstances, ovarian cysts may require medical intervention. The gynecology practitioners at Bergen Medical Associates can help patients who experience symptoms related to ovarian cysts, providing ovarian cyst treatments and referrals for surgery when necessary.

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of an Ovarian Cyst?

Because the formation of ovarian cysts is a normal and common aspect of the female reproductive system, there may be no symptoms or signs of their existence. However, larger ovarian cysts can cause pain, especially if they break open or cause bleeding. Occasionally these cysts may interfere with the blood supply to the ovary or cause a twisting of the ovary, which can also be painful. When symptoms are present related to ovarian cysts, they may include:

  • Menstruation changes
  • Pain related to menstruation
  • Bloating and swelling in the abdomen
  • Heavy vaginal bleeding
  • Breast tenderness
  • Pelvic pain
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Pain during bowel movement
  • Frequent urination
  • Weight gain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Fever

Some ovarian cysts may be cancerous or eventually develop into ovarian cancer. The medical practitioners at Bergen Medical Associates may monitor persistent or problematic cysts for changes in size. They may order other tests to determine whether the patient requires ovarian cyst treatments.

What Are the Risk Factors for an Ovarian Cyst?

The main risk factor for the development of an ovarian cyst is being a female of childbearing years. Some women have a hormonal condition called polycystic ovary syndrome due to increased levels of male hormones. Women with polycystic ovary syndrome require medical care. They often experience irregular menstruation, infertility, and other problems. Postmenopausal women who develop ovarian cysts require regular examinations and monitoring and may require ovarian cyst treatments.

How Is an Ovarian Cyst Diagnosed at Bergen Medical Associates?

Most ovarian cysts are found during regularly scheduled pelvic screening examinations. If there are symptoms, or if the practitioner is concerned about the size of the cyst, they may order ultrasound imaging to determine its size. Subsequent imaging may be done to monitor its size six to eight weeks later. The gynecologist may also order more tests, including:

  • Doppler flow studies
  • MRI
  • CT scan
  • Blood tests
  • Hormone level tests
  • Pregnancy test

If tests indicate that the ovarian cyst is a concern, the medical practitioner may recommend laparoscopy, where a small camera is inserted through an incision in the abdomen. The medical team can then view the cyst and often can remove it or perform a biopsy, where samples are taken to the laboratory.

What Are Recommended Treatment Options for Ovarian Cysts?

Most ovarian cysts do not require treatment, because they usually go away on their own. If cysts persist, grow larger, or occur in menopausal women, the medical team may offer ovarian cyst treatment in the form of monitoring with imaging and examinations. Another option is surgery.

When the medical team at Bergen Medical Associates determines surgery may be necessary, we refer patients to qualified surgeons. Depending on the condition of the cyst, and whether biopsies show cancer cells, the recommendation may be for laparoscopic surgery, removing the ovary, or a full hysterectomy. When Bergen Medical Associates patients receive hospital care, they are monitored by our hospitalist doctors who maintain communications with all practitioners.

Make an Appointment With Our Gynecology Department

If you are concerned about symptoms of ovarian cysts, make an appointment with the qualified gynecologists at Bergen Medical Associates. We offer ovarian cyst treatments at several convenient office locations to patients throughout northern New Jersey. For more information, contact us today.